Our Beams came at 4pm today. Dad chisled the notches out and we assembled the last beam today (tuesday) Dad also framed the Stainglass windows that go into the gables, cut rafter tails and put a hole in the end for decoration-"so Cute" photo to come. Tomorrow we are putting the rafters on roof!
I have always been in love with the natural world. We live in the most beautiful area and have a very unique natural setting to our home.
I just love waking up to the birds and taking my tea to the garden and see what has come up.
As a child we were always outside and my father encouraged us to run, hike and garden. I have fond memories of hiking Mt Washinton with my Dad and Brother (minus my blisters),doing a community garden and hikes on Mt Tom.
Our summers where spent at Lake Champlain, picking blueberries, fishing and making shell plant hangers with my mom.
Those magical experiences have shaped me and given me a passion for the beauty of the natural world. I just love beautiful things; especially the gifts from nature.
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