Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not sure why but can't up load all the pictures at once so they will come as new posts.

Things are full on summer here now-looking forward to tomatoes,potatoes,beans and lots of other goodies.

summer shots

Friday, June 12, 2009

Banding Hummingbirds in my garden

We had the hummingbird guy come and band hummingbirds in my garden yesterday! very cool to be a part of. The first photo is the smallest bird in North America-calliope hummingbird. The second is a Black-Chinned. The last photo is how we catch them-they fly into cage and then he pulls the string and catches them. He handled them for just a few minutes, weighing them, measuring beak, wings and tail.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Got all of the beds done and planted. I put in new raspberries and will pull the old ones out at the end of the season, and get rid of weeds and add new soil. We are having a beautiful spring with lots of rain and nice warm temps-hoping to find a old wooden picnic table for gravel area.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Check out this link to other very beautiful cordwood homes-my favorite is the first one-it is a fairy house for sure.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fence up

This weekend the fence went up for Phase 2. Our neighbors came and put it up in a day and half. I hung my rusted tool garden gate. That only sat in yard for 8 months!. We took down the center part and am able to have the whole thing enclosed. Next early spring we will take down old part and make it go with the new part but couldn't this year because I had already planted and didn't want deer in there.

Jeff says wednesday for door-sat a prayer for me that it goes up!

planted a flowering crab, 3 honeysuckle to go up fence and climbing roses.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


heard western screech owl last night and had a varied thrush in yard today!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Weekend

Painted trim on greenhouse Friday evening 1st coat. Saturday and Sunday (today) got a huge chunk of area done for planting. stakes show where hopefully garden fence will be going. Had bed in front of S windows and a tiny piece of W when my neighbor showed up with his tiller-got all of E done or tilled and all of west tilled then removed weeds in west bed-doesn't look like a lot but I bet they saved me a weeks worth of work-not to mention my hands,back etc....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This side of Mississippi

Well, I have a door-it is the prettiest door this side of Mississippi. Hand carved handles, the coolest latch system, a darling shelve and dutch door. I am waiting to have Jeff hang it. Might just have to take photos of it now and then when it is up.
I got all my peas in, carrots, beets, potatoes and some lettuce in. I bought 24 casa blanca lilies from White Flower farm and got them in as well. I placed them in between lavender and around roses etc. It is going to be so fragrant!
Getting dirt delivered for phase 2 of garden-lots of work coming up.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Picking up door April 9th

Yipeee-door done and picking up in a week and half. Can't wait!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Drawing of door

Here is the drawing my dad did of my new door.....Our friend dirk is a woodworker and offered to build me a door! hoping by end of march.